Extended Day Care

Poverello Of Assisi Preschool offers Extended Day Care for our students. Day Care spaces are limited.

Please be aware Daycare will only be available on the days that school is in session.

Extended Daycare hours are Monday - Friday 2:30pm to 5:30pm

Parents / Guardians monthly Daycare payments must be made through your FACTs Management account. The finance office will set up your Daycare payment plan when you set up your FACTs account.

Late pick up from Daycare charges begin at 5:31 pm; there will be an additional charge per occurrence. Consistent late pick-ups will result in asking parents to find an alternative childcare solution.

Should you need to withdraw your child from daycare , please notify the office as soon as possible. There will be no refunds if the child / children are withdrawn before the end of the month.


The safety of our children is our top priority, for that reason, only adults with the Authorization Card will be allowed to pick up your child/children and a signature will be required on a sign out sheet. Please use the doors facing the center courtyard side. We ask all parents picking up students from daycare to enter and exit from the entrance gate as the exit gate will be closed.